“I believe that nurturing, mentoring and believing in the power of all individuals forms the collective strength of a community.”
I am the Co-Founder and President of RAW, an entrepreneur, speaker, life coach, story-sharer and educator specializing in holding space for both group and personal growth. I am committed to offering tools that bring collaborative, empowering outcomes. Adversity has gifted me a potent understanding and ability to turn my experiences of suffering into compassionate conversations that help others tap into their inner reservoirs of resourcefulness. My African heritage, and a contemporary exploration of Islam, have helped me hone an expression of inclusive faith that speaks of diversity, resilience, courage, and belonging.
RAW’s acronym ‘Resilient Aspiring Women’ holds an immensely powerful meaning for me. It embodies not only my journey, but a transformational state of being for all. This is clear in the lives of female immigrants when challenged by the upheaval and change of country and culture. I am proud to be a supportive bridge to better worlds for such women and their families. I desire to serve our garden and global community by such generous planting of seeds of love. To also weed out fear and break down barriers to growth, in order for all to flourish.
My hobbies are gardening (no surprises there) and nature walks. To sustain my sense of wellbeing, I sit in a women’s circle and also treat myself to a massage once a month, then walk with friends twice a week. A fun fact about me: I speak four languages—try to guess what they are? I find it fascinating how the rhythm of speech changes body-language & even personality.